Upon receiving your order, we carry out a standard authorization check on your payment card to ensure there are sufficient funds to fulfill the transaction. Your card will be debited upon authorization being received. The funds received upon the debiting of your card will be treated as a deposit against the value of the goods you wish to purchase. Once the goods have been dispatched and you have been sent a confirmation email, the deposit will be used as consideration for the value of the goods listed in the confirmation email.
Personalized Products
Our products are personalized and hand-crafted according to your specific design and request. We will start the production of your order once payment has been confirmed. Please note that production and delivery times for personalized products may vary. An estimated delivery time will be provided once your order is confirmed.
Payment Process
To make a payment, simply click on either the “Proceed To Checkout” or “Stripe Checkout” buttons on our website. You will be automatically directed to the payment processing website, where you will have the option to pay with your credit card or through your existing Stripe account. Stripe will process your payment, and the transaction will appear on your credit card statement as “Stripe.”
Refund Policy
Refunds will be processed to the original payment method (either via Stripe or your credit/debit card). Please note that refund requests must be made within 30 days of receiving your order. Products must be returned in their original condition to be eligible for a refund. If your order is customized or personalized, refunds will only be accepted if the product is defective or not as described.
Privacy and Security
Your credit card information is not processed through or stored on our servers, and no information is ever released to third parties. We use secure payment gateways to ensure your information is protected during transactions.
If you have any questions regarding your order, or if you would like to switch items, please provide your order number and contact us via the support page on our website.